The Christian Race

By. J. C. Andrew

Hebrews 12:1,2

THe believer's life is not easy. The Apostle Paul was moved by the Holy Spirit to speak of himself as a boxer who had learnt not to beat the air, as an athlete not sparing his body, and as a runner who turns not back, but looks ever forward and presses on to the mark for the prize. It is this last figure of speech that is picked up in our text ,the first two verses of Hebrews 12:

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The passage comprises two exhortations and two reinforcing participial clauses. Let's examine all four of them.

1. That which presses us to race

Verse 1 begins: "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses." The force of the words is the narrative exploits in Chapter 11 of past men of faith.

Perhaps some people have, at times, read too much from the statement, inferring from it that the godly dead that are present with the Lord are fully aware of all that happens to us down here, of our failures and successes, of all our strivings and temptations. But such knowledge would not be consistent with the blessedness into which they have entered. Would they be happy to see us, their children, as we are striving, suffering and sinning?

Lessons. The phrase "seeing we also are compassed about" is thus intended to emphasize the examples of walking by faith that have been set before us for our emulation. They are lessons that we cannot ignore. What God wrought in and through the patriarchs, He may yet work in and through us. We therefore ought to learn from their experience.

In what circumstances and with what results did Abraham believe? How did Jacob become Israel, a prince of God? In what way did Moses rise above the temptations of the Egyptian court, make a choice and take action that altered the course of human history?

This is a very weighty consideration, is it not? We are compassed about. We cannot escape their examples and influence. Does not their faith put us to shame? Do not their achievements in less favorable circumstances surprise and humble us?

2. Preparation for the Race

We turn now to the first exhortation: "let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us."

You are familiar with the scene at the beginning of any footrace, either ancient or modern. Heavy clothing is discarded. Shorts, vest and shoes are made of the lightest and loosest materials. The weight of our clothing must be kept to a minimum because every ounce counts in this race.

What are the things that hinder and impede our spiritual race? Natural laziness and love of pleasure, the desire for ease and tendency to procrastinate, and the failure to face life seriously. The ambitions that drive us, the possessions that somehow possess us, and the activities that absorb too much time. These things not necessarily wrong in themselves, things that have their place. But when overindulged, they interfere with and retard our progress in Christian life and service.

What hinders your movement toward heaven? What hinders your reading of God's Word, your meditation on His mercy and goodness? What interferes with your assembling with other saints, and your giving to the Lord's cause? These are examples of weights that are to be cast aside.

Examples. Consider some of the weights laid aside by the faithful in ancient times. Abraham left the wealth and comfort of a palatial home in Ur to go out at God's call, "not knowing whither he went" and to live thereafter in a strange land, a nomad in a tent.

Joseph had to suffer the loss of his innate sense of superiority over his brothers, and experience the bitterness of exile in Egypt, before he gained the true nobility of spirit and strength of character needed to administer Egypt and to save his family.

And Moses must lay aside his high position, his brilliant prospects, and all his Egyptian luxuries before he could assume leadership over Israel and become God's agent to deliver and build up a nation.

We might also study the biographies of Christians through the ages to learn how others have laid aside the things that may have been "lawful" for them, but were "not expedient" and would have hindered them in Christian life and service. Consider also the martyrs that laid aside even their own life as they refused to denounce their faith in the Lord. How were they able to give all those things up? By the grace of God, of course. In our race, we need to lean on Jesus for strength as well.

Besetting sin. What is "the sin which doth so easily beset us", the thing that cripples and encumbers us? Is it sin in general, in its terrible totality, the whole crippling burden in its many forms, the destructive old man, the "body of death" of which Paul writes?

Or is it some sin in particular, our private passion, our peculiar weakness, the worm in the fruit of our life? Is it the root of bitterness within a man that touches and taints every motive and thought, every word and deed?

Is it the pride of life, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh of which John writes, the things that are manifest in uncurbed sexual appetite, in overindulgence in food, in self-gratification, self-satisfaction and even self-glorification, the things that are destructive of the meekness, goodness and humility of the Christian life?

Or is it the urge to possess, the pursuit of riches, the drive for place and power?

It is the thing in your life that constantly trips you up and renders you unfit for Christian service. You know it and can name it. Lay it aside as you value your soul and the answer of a good conscience and the "Well Done" of Christ in that day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ.

You may succeed in the race of life, gain all you want on earth, become the admiration and envy of others with a false sense of values, and yet die not a step nearer heaven, without Christ, and far from God.

Jesus says in Mark 8:36, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

3. Participation in the Race

"Let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Here is the second and main exhortation. It calls for entrance upon the course, for the positive effort that turns our face toward the goal and that gives thrust to our movement heavenwards. And three things are required in the exhortation.

Effort. We are active, not passive. The grace God imparts in regeneration must be exercised in sanctification. This goal does not come to us as on a modern conveyer belt. Nor are we carried toward it as on a modern escalator or moving pathway such as one finds today in airports and shopping malls.

We recognize that in every walk of life we must run a race. Achievement is by effort. The prize is gained by striving. The student must scorn delights and live laborious days if he is to gain the coveted diploma or degree. The artist must practice long to perfect his art. None of the skill of the craftsman, the ability of the executive, and the capacity of the workman can be gained without effort.

Consider the lifestyle of a mature Christian, his gracious manner, unruffled calm, unaffected piety, consistent testimony, and essential simplicity and genuine humility. How do you suppose he has gained and kept all that? By effort through God's grace, by regular reading of the Word and prayer to God, by rigorous setting aside time to be with God and thus gaining strength to live with men, and by practice of the presence of Christ.

Consistency. The race must be run "with patience". It is a long race, lifelong. There is no discharge in this warfare. We are mobilized for life. We compete in a marathon. The pace must be steady as well as strong.

There is needed the daily private personal devotions, the weekly worship on the Sabbath, the regular systematic giving to the cause of Christ, the constant readiness to help others in need, the unfailing concern for their best interests and spiritual welfare, the refusal to be distracted by lesser things.

And there must be a continuing determination to make all things subservient to the supreme end of glorifying God and enjoying Him for ever.

Strenuous effort. One runs a race to reach a goal. We live in a leisure-loving age. "Take it easy," is the common counsel of the day. It is the age of the workless Saturday and sporting Sunday. It is the age of the computerized aid in the home, on the farm, and in industry. It is the age of the air-condition house and vehicles.

Now, we ought not discard these and return to the rigorous life of our forefathers. We ought to receive and use, with gratitude, what God has given and man has achieved by God-given talents. But let the possession and the use of these things rather promote God's glory and other's good than our comfort and ease; let them increase our usefulness and spiritual growth rather than lead to self-indulgence. The world is yours, God says in I Corinthians 3:22. And it is ours to use, not to abuse, to use for the sake of Christ and the good of our fellow men.

4. The Inspiration to Run

We consider now the participial clause that is linked significantly with the exhortation "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith."

These words are worth a sermon alone. For here is the secret of the entire experience. Frankly, the word "inspiration" I've put in the subhead above is inadequate, because it conveys only a part of the meaning of the phrase. I used it merely as an aid to remembering.

But the word does remind us that our running and our effort in this race depends from first to last upon Him who is both the author and finisher of our faith. As John 1:16 reminds us, "Of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace (grace upon grace)."

There is grace to begin, grace to run, and grace to reach the goal at last. For He quickens us to spiritual life, calls us to service, sets us upon our course, supports us in the race, and assures us that we shall never perish and that He will raise us up at the last day to receive the free award of grace, eternal glory.

The price. For there is the prize at last: the simple laurel branch of honor, the "Well done," the "Come ye blessed," the "crown of righteousness laid up," and "the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Beloved, it is to the very uttermost that Jesus saves.

So, look unto Him, see the race He ran and the crown He won, He "who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." And hear the word of promise He gives: "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne" (Rev. 3:21).


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